Deskbound Surviving A Desk Job

Deskbound: 10 Tips For Surviving A Desk Job

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If you’re one of the millions of people who spend their days sitting at a desk, you know it can be tough on your body.

From back pain to eye strain, there are plenty of ways that a desk job can take a toll. Personally, I have fought horrible neck and shoulder pain for years.

But there is good news for those of us who are deskbound. I have found these easy 10 tips for surviving a desk job have helped me thrive.

1. Get a standing desk:

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Using a standing desk is one of the best things you can do for your health if you are stuck at your desk job.

Studies have shown that spending too much time sitting can increase your risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and even early death.

So if you can, invest in a standing desk or adjustable desk so you can alternate between sitting and standing throughout the day.

Your health (and body) will thank you!

2. Get up and walk around:

Walking at work

Even if you have a standing desk, getting up and moving around during the day is still important.

Take some laps around the office or take a quick walk during your coffee and lunch break.

Getting some movement in will help keep your muscles from getting too tight and will also help improve your focus and energy levels.

3. Use a Massage Gun:

If you’ve ever experienced muscle pain after sitting at your desk all day, you know how frustrating it can be.

The good news is that there’s now an easy solution that can help relieve that pain almost instantly: the massage gun.

This powerful device uses vibration and massage to loosen up knots and tight muscles, and it’s perfect for use on your back, neck, and shoulders after a long day of sitting. I personally love the Theragun.

While I used foam rollers, lacrosse balls, and static stretching for years, I am blown away by the benefit I found from the Theragun.

PS: If the Theragun is not in your budget, I have heard good things about the Renpho massage gun.

4. Take breaks for your eyes:

Staring at a computer screen all day can be tough on your eyes, so make sure to take breaks every 20 minutes or so to give them a rest.

Look out the window or across the room for 20 seconds to allow your eyes to focus on something else besides a screen.

An easy way to remember this is the 20/20/20 rule. Every 20 minutes, look 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

And don’t forget to blink! Blinking helps keep your eyes moist and prevents them from getting dry and irritated.

After getting laser eye surgery this year, I became much more aware of just how detrimental staring at a computer screen all day can be.

5. Stretch it out:

Sitting in the same position all day can lead to stiffness and pain in your muscles and joints.

To avoid this, make sure to move as much as possible and spend time in deep stretches when you can. My favorite three are:

6. Set your workstation ergonomically:

By placing your laptop or monitor on a higher surface, you can avoid slouching and improve your posture while working. This will help reduce neck and back pain.

Ideally, your arms are at nearly 90 degrees, and your eyesight is in the top third of your computer screen.

Try to keep your shoulders down and back with your chin tucked in. Essentially, don’t sit like a slob.

7. Get an ergonomic chair:

While standing is a great option, I find that sometimes I just need to sit, particularly when I am doing deep thinking or calculations. Which is why I love a sit/stand desk.

Look for a chair that supports your lower back and is adjustable so you can find the perfect fit.

8. Invest in a quality mouse and keyboard:

Cheap computer accessories can cause wrist pain and other problems down the road. So instead, spend a little extra money on a good mouse and keyboard that will be comfortable to use all day long.

My personal favorites are the Logitech Vertical Mouse and the MX Keyboard.

9. Drink enough water:

It’s essential to stay hydrated, especially when sitting at a desk all day. Staying hydrated is essential for healthy muscle tissues and performance.

So make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day.

I personally have found significant benefits in adding electrolytes (especially when I am eating on the low-carb side). LMNT is my favorite and is the most delicious!

10. Read Deskbound by Kelly Starrett

To get more in-depth information and suggestions for stretching, strengthening, and, as Kelly puts it, “Standing up to a sitting world.” I highly recommend reading Deskbound by Kelly Starrett.

The book is filled with helpful exercises and stretches that can be done at your desk to help alleviate pain and improve your overall health.


If you have a desk job, it’s important to take care of your health inside and outside work hours.

By following these tips, you can ensure you’re staying healthy while still getting everything done during the workday.

After all, your health is worth more than anything else!

Bonus Recommendations

I have found tons of benefits using the Iron Neck and Crossover Symmetry (not sponsored).

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