Lifestyle Engineering 101 Feature

Lifestyle Engineering 101: What It Is and Why You Need It

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What is Lifestyle Engineering? It’s a question that has been asked a lot lately, and for good reason. After the pandemic more and more people are realizing that they are floating through life not entirely sure what they want or how to get it.

Lifestyle Engineering isn’t just about making more money or getting ahead in life. It’s about designing a life that you are excited to live every single day!

You’ve probably heard the saying, “life is what you make it.” 

That’s definitely true, but it can be tough to figure out how to go about making your life better. Most people just don’t know where to start. They go to school, get a job, maybe marry and have kids and then retire. But what if you want more?

Lifestyle Engineering is about creating a step-by-step framework for living your dream life. It’s about identifying your passions and talents, setting goals that are right for you, and taking massive action on them. With the proper framework and roadmap, you’ll be able to design the perfect lifestyle for yourself and live your best life.

In this article, we will discuss what Lifestyle Engineering is and how it compares to lifestyle design, why it is beneficial, how people can apply it to their life, and frequently asked questions. Please enjoy the read.

What is Lifestyle Engineering?

Lifestyle Engineering is applying the principles of Engineering to our daily life. PS you can read about my daily life as an Engineer here.

At the root of all engineering is trying to solve a problem with the best solution possible; whether this is designing our dream life or designing a wheel, the process looks the same:

1. Identify the overall goal: IE. what would my dream life look like?

2. Identify the constraints: IE. what will prevent me from achieving my goal?

3. Create a roadmap to overcome the constraints and achieve the goal: IE Focus on the main limiting factor while building other positive habits.

4. Accomplish the goal

5. After achieving a milestone, review the goal and continue or set a new goal.

Lifestyle Engineering Overview

Lifestyle Engineering versus Lifestyle Design?

So what’s the difference between lifestyle engineering and lifestyle design?

Lifestyle engineering is focused on solving the limiting problems so that you can live your best life. It’s a more proactive approach to creating the life you want to live and includes specific goal setting, constraint identification, roadmap creation, actionable steps, progress review, and continuous adjustment and iteration.

Lifestyle design is a more passive approach and is focused on living your life in alignment with your values, interests, and passions.

So which one is right for you?

If you know what you want out of life and are willing to put in the work to make it happen, then lifestyle engineering may be a good fit for you. If you’re not quite sure what you want out of life but know that you want to live a life that feels good to you, then lifestyle design may be a better fit.

There is no right or wrong answer – it’s all about finding what works best for you!

Both approaches have their merits, but I prefer lifestyle engineering because it’s helped me achieve my goals quicker and with less stress. I have found that going through the extra steps and work in lifestyle engineering has created a much more solid plan that I can follow and not have to always second guess if I am working on the most important aspect in my life.

Why Do I Need Lifestyle Engineering?

Engineering your ideal lifestyle will look different for everyone as we all have unique values, purposes, and passions in life. But regardless of what your dreams look like, Lifestyle Engineering (in my opinion) is the best approach to get you there.

It will help you:

  • Achieve big goals in life,
  • Carve your own path in the world, and
  • Create your ideal life
  • Give the ultimate freedom to spend time doing exactly what you want in life
  • Have more control over your own world
  • Be able to enjoy your free time without always worrying about what you “should be doing”
  • Better health and wellness
  • Improve relationships with friends and family
  • Work hard and enjoy the rewards
Lifestyle Engineering Map

When you have a clear vision for your life and know what steps you need to take to get there, it’s much easier to stay focused and motivated on your goal. Lifestyle engineering can help you create that roadmap so that you can achieve your goals with less stress and more confidence.

If you’re someone who is always looking for ways to optimize and improve your life, then lifestyle engineering is definitely for you! It’s a great way to identify areas in your life that could use some improvement and then take actionable steps to make those improvements.

Lifestyle engineering is also a great way to prevent burnout. When you have a clear plan and are following it, you’re less likely to feel overwhelmed or stressed about your life. Having that roadmap in place can help you relax and enjoy the journey instead of constantly worrying about whether or not you’re on track.

So if you’re looking for a way to achieve big goals, prevent burnout, and live a happier life, then lifestyle engineering is definitely for you!

How Do I Can I Apply Lifestyle Engineering To My Life?


What’s the Best Way to Get Started with Lifestyle Engineering? The best way is to just start, you do not need anyone to tell you what to do. If it feels overwhelming to find a mentor or a coach, or it simply is not in the budget at this time, you can start all on your own.

All you need is to start small. Often reading is the best way to get ideas of where to start.

Choose one area of your life that you want to improve and start there. Once you’ve made some progress in that area, you can move on to another area.

Start with the basics: goal setting, constraint identification, and creating a roadmap. These three steps will help you get clarity on what you want and how to make it happen. See this article on the basics of personal development.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, remember that you don’t have to do everything at once. Just take it one step at a time and you’ll get there!

You’ll be surprised at how much difference it can make!

Hybrid: DIY with a Mentor

Designing your own life path can be a daunting task. But it’s also an exciting opportunity to create something that’s uniquely yours. And while it’s important to have a plan, it’s just as important to be flexible and open to new possibilities.

One of the best ways to achieve this is by working with a mentor. A mentor can help you identify your goals and then develop a plan to achieve them. They can also provide guidance and support when things get tough.

If you’re thinking about designing your own life path, find someone who’s already done it and ask for their advice. You might be surprised at how much they can help you achieve your dreams.

Having a coach is like a push system where the coach is pushing you towards your next move. Doing it yourself with the help of a mentor is more like a pull system where you are working on your own path but you have the ability to ask a mentor, who has the experience, for help.

The Hybrid method keeps you in control while giving access to incredible knowledge, without the financial stress of a full-time coach.

With a full-time coach

A life coach can help you in a number of ways. They can help you identify your goals, and develop a plan to achieve them. They can provide support and accountability as you work towards your goals.

They can also help you develop effective coping strategies for dealing with stress and difficult situations. Working with a life coach can be a great way to improve your life and reach your full potential. If you are interested in working with a life coach, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

First, make sure you find a coach who is a good fit for you. There are many different types of coaches out there, so it’s important to find one who understands your needs and can help you in the way you need to be helped.

Second, be prepared to work hard. A life coach can’t do all the work for you – you’ll need to be willing to put in the effort to make changes in your life.

Finally, don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you feel like you’re struggling, reach out to your coach for help. They’ll be more than happy to support you through whatever challenges you’re facing.

If you’re ready to make some positive changes in your life, working with a life coach can be a great way to do it, however, it comes at the cost of being expensive and for some people, it can involve too much hand holding that can prevent the person from carving their own path.

What can we improve with Lifestyle Engineering?

There are many areas of life that can be improved with lifestyle engineering and what is most important will change for each person.

Some of the most common areas that people want to improve are:

  • More impact in the world
  • Living a less stressful life
  • Creating wealth for the future
  • Running a business that aligns with a greater mission
  • Improving relationships with friends and within their community
  • Feeling like they are living a life full of success and happiness

Case Study: My Path To Engineering a Dream Life

I was born and raised in a small town in the beautiful Okanagan Valley. My father was a construction surveyor and my mother always worked while raising us.

I have two older sisters and we were all raised with the expectation that we would go to college, get good jobs, work as hard as we could and have enough.

I was always interested in math and science, so I decided to pursue a degree in engineering. I went to a few different colleges and universities and finished with several diplomas and a degree in mechanical engineering. After graduation, I moved to back to my hometown and got a job as an engineer at a manufacturing facility.

I worked hard and was quickly promoted to lead engineer. But after a few years, I realized that I wasn’t completely happy with my job. I was working long hours and wasn’t doing work that I found fulfilling.

I started to think about what I really wanted out of life and considered following a different path but always returned to the fact that I loved problem-solving, designing, and growth.

My defining moment was when I learned that it wasn’t an escape from engineering that I needed, but instead, it was a more fulfilling life. To figure this out I created what I call lifestyle engineering and literally engineered my life to optimize the parts that I loved within the constraints I faced.

Some of the factors that I optimized are:

  • Time and Money are spent constantly learning through books, and courses
  • Delicious food to feed the soul and body
  • An incredible marriage full of love, support, and adventure
  • A calendar full of fun new events where I am challenged to learn new skills
  • Lots of travel
  • Competitive athletics
  • Hobbies like scuba diving, woodworking, and cooking
  • And now sharing what I have learned to help others in this blog

It was through the framework outlined in The Guide to Personal Development that I was able to have 10X more from life while putting in no more effort, instead, I just adjusted where my time and effort went.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a lifestyle design?

Lifestyle design is the process of creating a life that you love. It involves figuring out what you want in life and then taking steps to achieve those goals.

What is a lifestyle design coach?

A lifestyle design coach is a professional who helps people create a life they love. They work with their clients to identify their passions and goals, and then help them put together a plan to achieve them.

A lifestyle design coach can help with everything from career planning to diet and exercise and can provide support and guidance along the way.

What is a lifestyle engineer?

A lifestyle engineer (in the term I created) is taking the aspects of lifestyle design but applying the constraints, creating a roadmap, and continuously improving upon the plan to create the best solution for your life possible.

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