The Humble Salt

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I am currently reading Jay Shetty’s excellent book Think Like a Monk and he brought up an idea that I had to share immediately.

He was retelling a story about salt and how we would all do better to be more like the humble salt.

You see salt gets the blame when something tastes off.

“It is too salty” or “this has no flavor, did you even salt it?”

However, when something is perfect, the response is just about how great the meal was. It is never about how perfectly the dish is salted.

The role of salt in cooking is to open up the flavors and make each component its best.

As humans, and especially as leaders or managers, we should take on this role as well.

We should look to emphasize each person on our team and help them be the best that they can be. We should take responsibility when something goes wrong, but we should not search for credit when something goes right.

By being more like salt we can allow those around us to shine and thereby we can all live a better and brighter life with everyone giving their best and being supported.

Please share so others can benefit :)

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