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How To Win Friends & Influence People – Dale Carnegie

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If there is one book every person should read, it is this one. This book is true to its title and is all about the psychology of better communication with others. The book is full of different principles and countless anecdotes about how these principles are successfully used in the real world. The stories range from top Presidents to everyday people. Each time I read this book, I get more and more out of it.

Key Take Away

Although this book has 288 pages of countless principles and examples, it can be simplified to one central theme.
Make others feel important, understood, and heard.

You can do this by:

  • Being kind

  • Asking questions about them

  • Empowering others to make decisions and take responsibility

  • Focusing on what others want

When others feel important, they will better enjoy their time with you, and it will be far more likely they will want to help you.

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