5 Minutes to Drastically Improve Your Life

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I was running late today, so I was driving just a touch on the fast side.

And then, as luck would have it, there was a police officer driving in front of me for the majority of the drive as well.

This caused me tons of stress as I did not want to be late but I also did not want to speed.

I realized on this drive just how many times something similar has happened. How often a small inconvenience can cause stress to skyrocket.

The good news is there is an extremely simple, effective, and free solution. All I (and you) need to do is

Leave 5 minutes earlier.

When I think of all the times I had extra stress going somewhere, it could almost always be solved by leaving 5 minutes early.

This is such a small price to pay in order to feel like you have time to go slow, say hi to the neighbor on your way, or help an old lady cross the road.

I believe we would all live a better and less stressful life by giving ourselves more time between tasks.

Stop and smell the roses

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