No 7 allowed

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Sometimes the simplest ideas have the largest impact on our life. Not allowing 7s has been one of those game-changers for me.

Whenever we are trying to rate something 1-10, we use the familiar 7 as a default. There is a real problem with this. The problem is, that the number 7 is completely meaningless. We feel comfortable with a 7, it’s good but not great, it’s not bad but good it’s a B. But what does this even mean? We use 7 how a 5 or 50% should really be used, as a middle-of-the-road, okay option.

We can avoid this trap with a simple tweak. Remove the 7. Whenever you need to rate something on a scale of 1-10, do not use 7. This simple change removes the noise and improves decision-making drastically. Just think about it, a 6 is barely a pass and would only be chosen when there are no other options. An 8 on the other hand, is pretty darn good and almost always worth our time.

We tend to use the 7 to protect ourselves from a real decision. Ask yourself how is your life going right now? My guess is it’s a 7. So what happens if we remove that option? If we admit something is really a 6, then it is pretty obvious that changes need to be made, but if we want something to be an 8 it will take real work to get there. No one wants to hire a 6, date a 6, or live a 6/10 life.

This works for all sorts of decisions.

  • Asking a friend about a restaurant. What would you rate the new pizza shop? 1-10?

  • Asking a server how the feature is tonight? 1-10?

  • Comparing two movie options?

  • Rating employee candidates?

  • How much do I feel like going out to dinner tonight?

  • Asking for a book recommendation?

  • How is my life currently going?

The little change of removing the 7 can be applied to many situations. It changes the rating from something non-committal to a go/no-go gauge. So ask yourself, if something is really a 6, how do I make it an 8?

Thank you, Tim Ferriss and Kyle Maynard for sharing this thought many years ago.

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