
Roadmap for 2022

Please share so others can benefit 🙂

We tend to overestimate what we can do in a day, and underestimate what we can do in a year

— Bill Gates

I am the eternal optimist, and I am super excited for 2022. I am looking forward to growing as a person and having more impact on the world. Bring on 2022!

In 2021 I let a lot of things “happen” to me and allowed my schedule to become out of control. In retrospect, I should have been more realistic about what my true capacity was and not overscheduled myself. That would have saved frustration and burnout.

This year I am focusing on creating processes and routines that support my most important life pillars, and not focusing on outcome-specific goals like I typically do. An example of this would be to become a runner by running 3X per week instead of having a goal of running a half marathon. By focusing on the process and my identity as a person I am only looking at the items within my control. In contrast, focusing on an outcome-based goal has the focus being on items outside of my control.

2022 Pillars of Life

The first step in creating my roadmap is to establish what the most important categories are. This serves as both a way to organize the broad categories and then to help create more specific tasks. Your pillars can be any category that is important to you. My pillars this year are as follows:

  • Health

  • Happiness

  • Relationships

  • Growth

  • Impact

  • Wealth

Outcomes for the Pillars of Life

Under each main pillar, I can list what my desired outcomes are. If you think of each pillar as just that, a pillar, the sub-items are the building blocks that will make up a complete pillar.

  • Health

    • Minimal physical pain

    • Be muscular and lean

    • Have energy

    • Have focus

    • Feel good

    • Look good

  • Happiness

    • Complete challenges and accomplish difficult tasks

    • Experience more flow state

    • Have new experiences

    • Grow as a person

    • Spend more time outdoors (fishing, hiking, swimming, playing)

    • Have a clean house and work environment

  • Relationships

    • Spend non-rushed time with family and friends

    • Foster deeper relationships

    • Have new experiences with friends (such as travel)

    • Have a larger social circle

  • Growth

    • Read/listen to books

    • Improve on existing skills

    • Learn new skills

    • Share my experiences and skills

    • Live outside of my comfort zone

  • Impact

    • Expand BH Craft bringing beauty into more people’s life and home

    • Share more value from this platform

    • Improve co-workers and customers experience at work

  • Wealth

    • Freedom for more experiences

    • Pay to learn skills faster

    • Spend money to buy back time (by outsourcing and improving processes)

    • A greater sense of abundance and control


With the above list of desired outcomes, I can create a check-in matrix that I can fill out each day. By filling out each metric I keep my attention and focus on what is most important to me. The below list shows the ten items I want to track.

  1. Learn

    • Read

    • Training

    • Videos

  2. Produce

    • Write

    • Design

    • Build

    • Share

  3. Connect

    • Wife

    • Family

    • Friends

    • Nature

    • Other

  4. Sleep (score from Oura ring)

  5. Nutrition (eat what my body needs)

  6. Exercise

  7. Mobility & Accessory work

  8. Weight

  9. Happiness

  10. Stress

I am tracking this all in a Google spreadsheet which is free, quick, and easy to build. From experience, I find the most important part is finding the balance between tracking enough metrics to make sure you are on the right path but not so many that it becomes too much of a burden to track.

If I decide I want to track something different I can simply add a new column, and if I decide I no longer want to track something I can just hide that column.

I hope this transparency brings you some ideas and inspiration to come up with and follow your own path towards the best possible life. I would love to hear in the comments below what you are working towards this year, however big or small.

Happy New Years everyone and thank you for reading.

Please share so others can benefit :)

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