The problem with problems
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Whenever I ask someone, “how is it going?” I get the typical response of “It’s good,” but when pressing just a little, it seems like everyone is dealing with problems, and they are upset about it.
I was in the same boat, always frustrated about dealing with problems and putting out fires. However, a simple mindset change fixed this all.
Now I embrace problems, and they stress me out a fraction of what they used to.
The simple change? I realized solving problems is the point. Problems give us purpose.
This mindset changes us from not wanting any problems to wanting new and more significant problems to solve. I mean, even Jay-Z has 99 problems.
In fact, it is a bit of a letdown if the problems we are dealing with today are the same as those we were working on 10 years ago. We want new problems, and we want them to be bigger.
Getting better problems
To get new and bigger problems, we need to focus on what is important and not get distracted by the trivial tasks and squeaky wheels.
Focus on your true priorities.
Each day, set out ONE main thing you must finish.
Do not take on other people’s problems. Even if you could do it better than them, don’t. Instead, help guide others to find their own solution.
Dream bigger. Instead of trying to get 10% better, think about how to get magnitudes better. This will force you to think differently and not just do more of what you are already doing.
Be aware of your constraints. Identify what is holding you back from fixing your problem. After it is identified, fix it.
The problem with old problems
There are few things in life as frustrating as dealing with the same problem day after day.
It wears on you if you wake up, go to work, and constantly hit the same traffic every day. When you have been trying to lose weight for years, and every weekday you trend down and then reset to your old weight over the weekend, it starts to feel impossible.
Dealing withing the same problem leads to burnout both at work and in life. Having problems is a part of life, but having the same problem sucks.
This happens because we do not put enough effort in to completely solve the problem. Instead, we put in just enough effort to make the problem feel like it’s going away.
People typically don’t completely solve the problem because it takes more effort and insight than they initially estimated, and the solution seldom works on the first try. Therefore, to truly solve problems, you must be willing to spend 2-3X more effort than you think it will take and be ready to try multiple solutions until you find what truly works.
Be messy and figure it out as you go
Another reason why people do not solve their problems (myself included with this category) is that they want a perfect solution. So instead of trying something and being okay if it doesn’t work perfectly, they will brainstorm (aka procrastinate) until they have the perfect solution.
However, inaction is the worst thing you can do. The longer a problem exists, the bigger it grows and the harder it is to solve.
Instead, you can be messy. Try your best attempt to solve the problem and then iterate on each successive attempt. Repeat this until the problem is completely solved or solved well enough that it won’t come back to haunt you.
Don’t leave a mess for someone else to clean up
Avoid leaving a mess that other people will need to clean up.
Having to clean up someone else’s mess always leads to frustration.
It is entirely acceptable to not have the perfect solution on the first attempt. Be messy, attempt something, and figure it out as you go. However, do not just leave a mess for someone else to clean up.
If you can solve problems on your own, dream bigger
I know many people who never ask for help. Instead, they are determined to solve problems by themselves. And while this may sound noble, it is really just self-limiting.
If someone is stuck solving their own problems, they will not grow and take on bigger problems.
If you can solve your own problems, that means you aren’t dreaming big enough. So do not hesitate to ask for help. By asking for help, you can grow as a person. By growing as a person, you can take on more significant problems and impact the world.
Problem perspective
As humans, we typically only look forward and forget about reflecting on where we have been.
It’s like when we are driving down the highway, and someone is going just a little too slow, so we pass them. But as soon as we pass them, there will immediately be someone else slowing us down. So we completely forget about the person we just passed and now only focus on getting past the next obstacle.
Problems are the exact same. As soon as we solve one, the next one appears. To maintain some sanity, we need to reflect on the problems that were actually solved and not just focus on the new obstacles.
A good way to do this is with weekly/monthly/quarterly/yearly reviews. They do not need to be complex, but it is important to highlight what problems you had and what was solved. When you do this, take the minute to pat yourself on the back and validate your achievements.
We all solve more problems than we give ourselves credit for but there will always be a new problem, and that is the point.