The Power of Core Values in Your Life and Career

The Practical Power of Core Values in Your Life

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Every person has a set of core values that should be used to guide their decisions and choices.

These values shape the way we live, work, and interact with others. Having a clear understanding of your core values can help you make decisions to improve your life.

Let’s explore why core values are so important and how they can impact your personal and professional life.

What Are Core Values?

First things first: what exactly are core values?

Put simply, core values are the fundamental beliefs that guide our behavior and decisions. They define who we are as individuals—what we value, what matters to us, and how we want to be perceived by others.

Everyone has a different set of core values based on their upbringing, culture, experiences, friends, family, etc.

It’s important to take the time to identify these values so that you can understand yourself better and make better decisions in life.

50 Common Core Values

There are dozens of core values that can be used to guide decision-making and personal growth. Here are 50 Core Values for professionals:

1. Accountability

2. Authenticity

3. Balance

4. Commitment

5. Compassion

6. Cooperation

7. Creativity

8. Curiosity

9. Dependability

10. Excellence

11. Fairness

12. Flexibility

13. Generosity

14. Gratitude

15. Honesty

16. Integrity

17. Loyalty

18. Open-mindedness

19. Optimism

20. Patience

21. Perseverance

22. Professionalism

23. Respect

24. Responsibility

25. Self-awareness

26. Self-improvement

27. Service

28. Teamwork

29. Tolerance

30. Trustworthiness

31. Understanding

32. Unity

33. Vision

34. Appreciation

35. Courage

36. Empathy

37. Humility

38. Kindness

39. Moderation

40. Passion

41. Personability

42. Practicality

43. Resilience

44. Self-discipline

45. Sincerity

46. Emotional Intelligence

47. Adaptability

48. Collaboration

49. Communication

50. Dedication

These values can help you to determine what is important to you and how you want to live your life. It’s important to evaluate these values often, as they can change over time.

My current top ten list of core values are:

1) Growth-minded

2) Excellence

3) Leader

4) Reliability

5) Professionalism

6) Integrity

7) Respectful

8) Successful

9) Optimistic

10) Innovative

The Benefits Of Knowing Your Core Values

Once you have identified your core values, it’s time to start living by them!

Knowing your core values can help you make better choices in both your personal and professional life.

For example, if one of your core values is honesty, then you will likely strive for transparency in all areas of your life—from relationships with family members to relationships with colleagues at work. This can also help you avoid making decisions that go against your beliefs or compromise who you are as an individual.

Additionally, having a strong sense of self-awareness helps build confidence, which can be beneficial when dealing with difficult conversations or situations.

Using Core Values To Improve Your Life And Career

Living by your core values can also have a positive impact on all aspects of your life—including relationships with others as well as personal growth initiatives like education or career development goals.

When making any decision related to these areas of life, consider how it aligns with your core values first! This will not only help ensure that the decision is authentic but also that it brings meaning into your life or career path.

Personal Core Values Versus The Company’s Core Values

Your life will be improved by the number of people you are around that share your core values.

Considering work takes at least 1/2 of your waking hours doing the week, it pays to surround yourself with corporate values that are similar to your personal values.

For example, if you are considering working at two different companies, it is critical to know their company values and pick the one that aligns with your own personal core values.

Additionally, having a strong company culture means that everyone on the same team shares the majority of their personal core values with each other and the company’s core values.

This allows greater trust between individuals and a more fulfilling work environment. And in the opposite sense, working with people that do not share at least some core values can feel difficult and frustrating at best.

Using Core Values As A Business

If you are an Entrepreneur, CEO, Manager, or a part of the executive team, it can be highly beneficial to be crystal clear on what the company stands for by listing its Company Culture & Company Core Values.

This can be used as a filter when hiring, promoting, or reviewing employees.

As a business, you want the right person in the right seat. For more information on this, I recommend reading Traction by Gino Wickman.

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What are 3 Core Values For Engineers

In my opinion, three standout core values for engineers are professionalism, innovation, and integrity.

Professionalism is the belief in working with dedication and excellence to achieve a meaningful outcome.

Innovation is the ability to identify opportunities and create solutions through creative thinking.

Integrity is being honest and ethical by upholding one’s standards and commitments.

With these three core values, engineers are able to use their expertise and creativity to make a positive impact on the world.

Ultimately, having the right core values helps engineers stay true to themselves while making meaningful contributions to society. Aligning with company core values give engineers focus, clarity, and purpose—which in turn leads them down paths that bring joy and success into their lives every day!

These core values not only help engineers in their professional lives but also in their personal lives.


Understanding our core values is essential for leading a fulfilling life—both personally and professionally.

When we live according to our own beliefs instead of someone else’s expectations or standards, it helps us stay true to ourselves and remain authentic regardless of the situation or circumstances.

Taking the time to identify our own set of principles is key to making good decisions throughout our lives; this process should be done regularly so that we stay aligned with what matters most!

With this knowledge comes greater clarity about who we are as individuals—and ultimately leads us down paths that bring joy and decisiveness into our lives every day!

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